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Through the Gospel, House of Hope exists to call all people to know, enjoy, and serve God.


Join Us
Sunday Service 10:30 am
7184 S Church Road
Lake Nebagamon, WI


Welcome to House of Hope Church! Whether this is your first time here, or you're just visiting, we're glad to have you.

Below are some links to help us get to know you better and invite you into our community. 

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At House of Hope, we are passionate about keeping the gospel central to everything we do - from our world view, to how we parent, to how we lead our services. Jesus Christ being truly God became truly man then lived a perfect and sinless life. Then Jesus died on the cross to bear the penalty for sins which people deserve, rose victoriously from the dead, and now offers the forgiveness of sin and a relationship with the God of the universe to whoever would repent and put their trust in Jesus. God did this because of the love He has for people who have rejected Him! This good news of God saving sinners impacts every aspect of our lives and we make it central to everything we do.




Expect casual dress, reverent worship, and child care for ages 6 months to 8 years.



Children &


Learning to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus together.

Raising the next generation to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus.


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