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          Attending a new church can be intimidating, confusing, and weird. We understand that. Our Sunday morning service is a great first step. To get connected beyond Sundays read below. For more information fill out our connection card at the bottom of this page. We will respond as soon as possible.

Newcomers Meal

Wednesday Kids club 6:30pm

It's a short class that is designed to train people to follow Jesus and join us on mission. It trains new Christians on how to follow Jesus. It also trains seasoned Christians on how to make disciples.

Get to meet some leaders and hear more about our church. Also, feel free to bring any questions you would like to ask. We generally have our newcomer’s meal after our Sunday worship service the first week of every month. Feel free to contact us to ensure that there is one this month.

Twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays, many in our church gather together to grow deeper in an understanding of God and fellowship with one another. The primary focus is the kid's growing closer to Jesus. It's also a great time to meet and get to know more people in our church family.  

Mid-week small groups

During this time we primarily focus on the discipleship of adults. There are multiple groups that meet on different days of the week in different locations throughout Douglas county. Fill out a Connection Card to learn more.

Connection Card
Connection Card
For more information or to sign up select all that apply:

Thanks for submitting!

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